Magnetic Alpha Apps

Space Civilization 109.0
Build Your Space Civilization and Rule OverYour Space Colonies!
Space Nuclear War 8.0
Command Your Space Forces and Terminate theNuclear War in Space.
Naval Emergency 1941 17.0
German Navy's Unknown Missions in World War2.Command the German Battleship and Survive on the Battlefield.
War Maneuvers 6.0
Command your regiment and destroy the enemytroops.World War 2.
Eagle Squadron 1940 9.0
Destroy the Luftwaffe and Defend theBritain.Join the Battle of Britain in World War 2.
Tank Rush: Modern War 34.0
Modern Tanks Charge! Bring Your Tank Forces ToEnemy!
Tactical Flight: World War 2 9.0
Aviate the P-51 and Destroy the Luftwaffe inWorld War 2.